Boxelder performing Downtown Orlando, Florida.,

with a crowd that was estimated at over Three Thousand!

Boxelder lighting it up on the Boardwalk on Seaside, NJ.

It's movie time at the Surf Cafe in Boca Raton, Florida.

Da Kine Diego's outdoor Bamboo Theatre was a hit.

Lot's of Prize Give-A-Ways from our sponsors.

SurfNRG founder and Surfer Photog Kevin Welsh with
Jaws tuberider Garrett McNamara and stoked out fan.
Kevin Welsh and WRV's Rick Robles presents the grand prize
to a stoked out winner - a 6'8" WRV funshape.

This surf chick was stoked on winning a 6'2" WRV Mike
Daniel shape at the Da Kine Diego's gig in Satellite Beach.

Solid proof that scoring the cover of a SurfNRG DVD can improve
your love life. Nick Guilarte livin' large.

The Outdoor Theatre at Da Kine Diegos

Anxious groms awaiting the prize give-a-ways.

The Wilsons made it a family affair.
A smiling couple of Boxelder fans.

WRV's Ricky Robles displaying another fine VB shape.
Extreme motocross riders jumped over the NRG RV!

A quiver of fine betty's were on the prowel.

Welshy busting out the Vodka 'n Red Bull at Matt and Lauren Walkers
wedding on the Outer Banks.